Saturday, February 18, 2012


Hey, Virtual Book Club peeps. Just blogging to say that because of massive amounts of prep reading, I haven't finished Foolscap yet. My Kindle tells me I'm about 40% of the way through. But I know the rest of you are probably finished, so you don't need to wait for me. If you post about it, I can skip your reviews until I catch up. Right now, I'm re-reading Frankenstein so that I can teach it again in a couple of weeks. I only teach it every two years, so I always have to re-read. We're up in the mountains this weekend--a great setting for curling up with Frankenstein.

BTW, am I the only one who things "VBAC" when seeing or writing "VBC"?


Stacey Lee Donohue said...

I'm 48% finished per the Kindle: enjoying Foolscap, but interrupted too often by other readings....

feMOMhist said...

totes running behind in writing my review so I'm waiting for you. :)

This Ro(a)mantic Life said...

To answer your last question: no. It was almost instantaneous when I saw your title, and I said to myself, "CT, maybe you should stop thinking about babies quite so much."

But after your question, I feel less crazy :)

Ink said...

I already wrote my review but didn't post it yet...will wait for y'all.

Ink said...

(Later) Que posted her review, so I am going to post mine, too, instead of waiting. But when you're done, let's chat!

feMOMhist said...

put mine up too but looking forward to discussing as others appear!

Good Enough Woman said...

Okay, I'll try to read fast! It's difficult since I have to prep (re-read) two novels for teaching this week and next, and most of my reading time is just before bed. Plus, I guess I started later than I should have. Onward! But so hard not to peek at your reviews!

Ink said...

ps: I wasn't thinking VBAC until you said it, and now it's all I see when I read VBC. LOL!