Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Gleeful Purging

Okay, I'm back in the office after my sabbatical. Oh, and have I told you that sabbatical rocks? Well, it does. We'll set aside the question of how much I got done.

So, here I am, avoiding my dissertation by cleaning out my office and prepping for classes, one of which might get the ax because of low enrollment, thereby creating chaos in my schedule and prep plans. But let's think positive, shall we?

Anyway, here I am, cleaning the office. Now, that might sound like a nasty chore, but it includes me gleefully tossing out (read: recycling) the hundreds--no, thousands--of pages of accreditation drafts that I generated last year as the editor of our accreditation report. It's is a joy to rid my office of these stacks.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you're ahead of me. I'm avoiding cleaning my office and preparing my classes!

But glad that you are satisfied with your sabbatical experience. :)

baxie said...

I was expecting a sequel to the VOMIT FEAR post.

Color me disappointed! =P