Friday, May 27, 2011

I Must

Must grade finals.
Must grade finals.
Must grade finals.

Must not mix a G & T and read fun novel on patio.


Ink said...

I's Friday night! Give yourself a few hours to relax and recharge!

This Ro(a)mantic Life said...

What about a compromise where you mix the G&T and then grade the finals on the patio?

feMOMhist said...

I think the G and T while grading is MOST kind to the students.

baxie said...

Students will thank you for the gin break.

Inky said...

(comment at Fie's so you see it here)

GEW, it's a Twitter book club. Discussion starts June 1. Come join! Email me if you want more particulars... :D

Inky again said...

Maybe that should have said REpost of comment at Fie's.

loveskidlit said...

Hope the finals are graded. Because then you can mix as many G&Ts as you like, and read for as long as the weather holds!