Thursday, May 17, 2012


I am feeling better today, which is fantastic. On Tuesday, I was so congested and my nose was so sore from all of the blowing that I was wishing I could just rip off my head and breathe through my neck.

The bad news is that Hubby came down with the crud yesterday, and the Girl might be on her way down, too.

But as for me, I'm recovering, and I gave my last final yesterday. Although I have a lot of grading, and I have tons of service work this summer, and lots of diss writing to do (esp. over the next few days and weeks), I still feel so liberated!


Amstr said...

Congratulations! Getting well and giving your last final all in the same week is something to celebrate.

I hope the rest of the fam doesn't get so sick that they can't celebrate with you.

Good Enough Woman said...

After a couple of hours of research paper grading, I'm feeling a little less free . . .

Light at the end of the tunnel, light at the end of the tunnel . . .

Fie upon this quiet life! said...

You can do it!! Go GEW! Go!

loveskidlit said...

Glad you threw off that cold! Isn't it always the way, though, that we're either sick or recuperating when we then have to look after family members who get sick... sigh. I hope your family manages!

This Ro(a)mantic Life said...

I had that congestion thing right after Easter -- it's making the rounds, apparently! :( Hope the rest of the fam kicks it quickly. Wishing one could breathe through one's neck -- I know exactly what you mean.

Yay for giving the final!

CK said...

Aw, sorry that the fam is coming down with it but SO glad that you're feeling better...and motivated/liberated/joyful!