Thursday, May 7, 2009

Meet Our New Housemate

Okay, so that's not actually her/him. We won't have our specific bearded dragon until tomorrow. But still, you get the idea.


This Ro(a)mantic Life said...

This one looks so wise :). Something about the brow, I think. Are there names in the air yet?

Ink said...

Ooh, that's exciting! Tell us more! Does your son know yet?

The Thirty-Something Bride said...

How big are they? Scary.

Good Enough Woman said...

CT--I agree! Maybe it's the beard? I like their expressions.

Ink--He knows that he might get one, but we have been very stealthy, so I think that he thinks we haven't really followed through. I don't think he thinks there is any way that I could have pulled it all together in time. But he gets it tonight! I can't wait. I hope he loves it.

TSB--The one we're giving him is about five months old, and nose to tail, it's probably close to a foot long. Full grown, it will be more like 1.5-2.0 feet. They are very docile. Can't say I ever thought I'd have one though . . .

baxie said...

that's one inscrutable lizard!

Ink said...

How did the giving of the lizard go? (Wow, that sounds like a cool ritual for some scifi/fantasy book...And now commences the Giving Of The Lizard...)

Am sure he loved it. Hope it was fun for you all! And how's the little guy doing, and what's his name, please?

Academic, Hopeful said...

That is trippy. GEW. I am not sure I could take something on like that in my life. I think you're probably more earthy and brave than me...

TKW said...

I'm giggling at Ink's "giving of the lizard." It sounds like a ritual that we might have to do this week for the big fat Indian wedding!

I'm dying to know how it went!

I vote you name your lizard, if it looks as wise as the one in the picture...James Joyce. I kid, I kid.

Petunia Face said...

I'm a wee bit disappointed in that I expected a ZZ Top beard on a lizard. But this is pretty cool, too.