Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Oatmeal, Tomatos, and Vaginas

Well, here I am, at the coffee shop, with at least seven hours ahead of me to read and write! Yee-ha! Of course, I am starting off with procrastination-by-blogging. I have three unrelated things to tell you, so blog unity is now out the window.

1. I am eating oatmeal (with milk, raisins, and brown sugar) and drinking a chai latte. These things make me happy (although there is slight sugar overkill, so I will seek out something savory for lunch).

2. I haven't blogged much about my sustainability/simplicity enterprise. With all of the travel and preparations for TSB's wedding, home and hearth haven't been in the forefront. But soon, I will post a few photos of my very meager harvest. You will be impressed by it's meagerness.

3. Conversation over crafts yesterday afternoon:

Me to Hubby: It's going to take me a while to figure out what the heck I'm doing [not sure what I was talking about--could have been anything].

Girl: You said, "What the heck."

Me: Yes, I did.

Girl: You could say, "Holy Vagina!"

Hubby: [Laughter}

Me: Yes, I suppose I could.


TKW said...

Holy Vagina! I like that! to work it into a conversation...

The Thirty-Something Bride said...

What is The Girl's obsession with the vagina lingo? She didn't whip it out this weekend, but I was hoping she would.

Anonymous said...

I like the nonsequential post this morning. And reading about how happy you were with your oatmeal made me smile.