Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Dissertation 15

We've all heard about the Freshman 15, but what about the Dissertation 15? Does every PhD student gain weight while sitting on her arse, doing endless reading and writing? Or is it just me?

I lost weight during spring semester when I taught everyday. Now that it's summer, despite recreational activities, the pounds are creeping back. I blame the dissertation.


Anonymous said...

Yup. I gained 15 lbs just formatting the damn thing.

The Steel Magnolia said...

Interesting! I was writing during my first year of marriage, and everyone I know has gained weight when she first married. So, I have no idea which situation was at fault. Of course, when I was studying for comps, I mostly sat around and thought about what I could eat, so . . . .

Good Enough Woman said...

jc, Oh, boy. I'm in trouble.

Steel, I was pregnant during my first year of marriage, so I know what you mean about that uncertainty. Hubs gained as much weight as I did, but that could have also been from his desk job. And I know what you mean about thinking about food. For me, it's the food rewards: When I finish reading this article, I'll make a chai latte. Or about staying awake: I think I need something to snack on to stave of this nap. And so it goes . . .

Fie upon this quiet life! said...

How about the unemployment 15? I just went to the doc today and have gained eight pounds in the last six months. I know every pound of it is due to not working. I eat when I'm bored. Bad, bad thing to do!

M. Paule said...

Yeah... Whilst studying for my generals (and, funny enough, starting work on the diss) I was around the house a ton (and still am). Which meant snacks.

"Man, it's really dull sitting on the couch and flipping through articles. If only I had something else to do... Like nom things. Tasty things. Like peanut butter filled mini pretzel bites."

Between that and the complete lack of exercise, my abs were suddenly no longer worthy to be called "washboard."

So I took up running. And I try to limit my tasty, tasty snacks.

In short - I'm there right with ya.

Good Enough Woman said...

Fie, It's like a double whammy. Sitting around more + eating more. Sheesh.

JH, Good for you with the running! I've taken the dog on mini-hikes for the last two days, but with the kiddie-poos, I find it nearly impossible to maintain an exercise plan. Other working moms do it, but I think they must get up at 5:00am to run. I just can't do that. Oh, and TOTALLY on the PB-filled mini-pretzels, esp the Traders Joes kind. And chips and salsa--tasty and entertaining, what with all of the dipping.

loveskidlit said...

Think of it as "baby weight." The dissertation is another dependent, who insists on you having childbearing hips. But hey, you'll be teaching again in the Fall, right?

Unknown said...

I put on 40 - still trying to lose it. To be fair, a lot of that probably came from the added stress of my advisor saying, "when was it you said you were going to defend? 12 months from now? Oh no, that won't do - I won't have funding for that long. You'll have to do it in eight. OK, go!"