Saturday, December 15, 2012

Another Hotel Night

It's a hotel night for the purpose of writing. I'm not even going to spend much time blogging, especially since I doubt there are many of you out there checking. But if you do read this, send smart focused vibes my way, please. I'm hoping to leave tomorrow around noon with a baby (or toddler) draft of Chapter 5 with at least 15 pages (if not 20).

It's' on.

P.S. And also a confession: I'm feeling a bit bogged down in Wolf Hall. I'm about 200 pages in, and I think reading it in 10-15 minute increments (as I do each night before bed), it probably not the best approach to the book.


This Ro(a)mantic Life said...

Sending you focus vibes! Glad to hear you're trucking along. I hope the chapter has its walking legs by tomorrow :)

Dame Eleanor Hull said...

Go go go! Keep up the momentum!

(Have not read Wolf Hall or anything by Hilary Mantel, and don't intend to, so you're ahead of me.)

Amstr said...

You can do it! Just write first, and let everything else be a little break from writing.

I remember feeling bogged down in Wolf Hall around that point. Just keep trucking. It picks back up, even in sleepy 15 minute increments (that's how I read it too). I think once I let go of trying to follow the story and just went with it, I really enjoyed it. Trying to keep everything straight with my limited knowledge of mid- Tudor political history was just impossible.

JaneB said...

Sending good vibes, and agree with amstr about wolf hall...