Monday, January 11, 2010

Updates: Scattershot Edition

The Boy: He is much better. So much better, in fact, that on Wednesday he asked if he could climb a tree. With a broken clavicle and one arm in a sling? I don't think so. But he's not feeling much pain, and the swelling has gone down enough that I think I can actually see the clavicle, and it seems to be a fairly conventional location. I will palpate it in a few days to see if it feels as if it's in one piece.

Conference Paper: It's either coming along nicely, or it's a mish-mash, still tough to tell. But I should be able to get a draft into shape by the end of the week. My supervisor has promised to look over it and offer some advice in order to help prevent the great embarrassment of GEW.

Garden: Ate the last of our tomatoes last night. Yes. We were still getting tomatoes in January. But they were getting a bit smoodgy. So I cleared out the old plants, leaving some rotting tomatoes in hopes that I might get some volunteers this summer (I had great ones this year). Then, I planted quite a bit of kale and chard, along with some winter thyme. We'll see how they do . . . only thyme will tell. (Cracking myself up.) We also planted some sunflower seeds that we got as a favor at a birthday party. I've never done them before . . .

Work: Realized last Thursday, as I was doing syllabi, that some of my texts (including two anthologies) have gone to new editions, which I do not yet have in my possession. This poses problems for syllabus writing, as I like to include page numbers. I have contacted book reps, and this morning, I remembered that our bookstore will loan us books for 30 days. I'm going to run over and pick some up so that I can get the syllabi done with page numbers, thereby taking the first step to convince my students that I am an "organized" instructor. (Yes, I'm getting evaluated this term.) I can see my sabbatical retreating in the review mirror of my mind . . .

Dissertation: HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sabbatical Report: Ibid.


TKW said...

The Ibid part. I love you.

M. Paule said...

Sunflowers are glorious! They grow so quickly, and then they require water! Much water! And they have pretty blooms and then something attacks their leaves every goddamned year and they die. Always. Without fail.

I'm not bitter.

Good Enough Woman said...

TKW, You too!

JH, Oh I'm feeling SO optimistic now!

Anonymous said...

Glad things are swirling around in a more positive direction this week. So VERY glad Boy is feeling better. And that you've produced a paper that you can present (that's 90% of the battle right there).

Btw, if you want another pair of eyes on it, feel free to email me your draft. I'd be happy to take a look!