Thursday, January 14, 2010

Program Interruption

We interrupt the regularly schedule self-absorbedness of this blog to think about Haiti.

That's all. I'm just thinking about Haiti, and so my usual ramblings seem a little trite and trivial. Even more so than usual.

Back soon.


TKW said...

I wish they wouldn't shows those pictures...and yet, I know they need to.

I sort of feel like my intestines are doing calisthenics...holy shit.

Good Enough Woman said...

We don't have cable, and I haven't had PBS news on since I'm worried about what my little ones will see. So I've been spared many of the images.

But I sort of feel as if I'm an ostrich with my head in the ground. Time to come up, face facts, and donate some cash.

This Ro(a)mantic Life said...

I'm with both of you on those images (what's on the internet is bad enough, but we're spared more without TV).

Sigh. Ostrich over here too with her tail in the air ...

This Ro(a)mantic Life said...

And then there's this. So we small folk aren't the first. (Not an excuse, but just an interesting read.)

The Steel Magnolia said...

Sadly, I second that emotion.

Ink said...

Indeed. Terrible, terrible, terrible.

Ink said...

ps: Tagged you over at my place...